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Washer and Sterilizer : Pharmaceutical and Food Industry

Sakura’s highly advanced treatment technology finds applications in a variety of large-scale industrial plants.

Pharmaceutical, food processing and chemical industries require large-scale plant systems that in turn demand the safest and cleanest production environment. These are the fields in which our well-established, highly advanced sterilization, drying, vacuum and water treatment technologies find applications. Processing methods and setting conditions largely vary depending on the products that our customers manufacture, including plastics moldings, pouches, ampoules, vials, cans and canned food. The systems we provide precisely meet your specific needs. While responding to ever-diverse needs of the times, our proprietary technology has enabled fully automated operation of production lines for sterilization systems – a field previously considered difficult.

Examples of products for pharmaceutical and food industry

Food sterilization Testing Equipment

Heat sterilization equipment

The equipment enables testing of thermal sterilization of food in retort pouches, canned food, bottled food, food pouches and PP containers.

Washer and Sterilizer

Sterilization and detergence equipment

Sakura sterilizer comes in types such as steam sterilizer, EOG (ethylene oxide gas) sterilizer and dry heat sterilizer. We manufacture and offer sterilizers custom-made to specific needs.

Water Treatment Equipment

Products related to pure steam water treatment

Pure steam generator, water distiller and pure steam generator combined with water distiller or vice versa are available.

Cultivation Equipment

Culture-related products

Sakura basic testing equipment and/or pilot plants varies in size, and are best suited for your needs for cultivation of microorganisms, animal cells, plant tissues and transgenic organisms.


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