Products-Sterilization and Detergence Fields:For Industrial Applications-Vacuum Pulse Washing (PAT), Vacuum Ultrasonic Washing System “V-SONIC”

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Vacuum Pulse Washing (PAT), Vacuum Ultrasonic Washing System “V-SONIC” 

<Sakura Seiki’s patented technology>
The “V-SONIC” is a precision washing system based on a combination of our vacuum technology (Sakura is qualified as a Category 1 pressure vessel manufacturing factory) and ultrasonic technology.
This system is best suited for washing gaps between parts, blind holes, air-trapping sections and so on.
The vacuum pulse washing system is recommended for precision washing. 

Vacuum Pulse Washing (PAT), Vacuum Ultrasonic Washing System “V-SONIC” Photo

Vacuum pulse washing system

Repeating “vacuum” and “atmospheric pressure” by turns, this system enhances washing effects even further.


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